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I'm seeing a Gitlab authentication out of date error loop

If you're seeing a 'GitLab Authentication is out of date' 500 server error page - this usually occurs when the deploy key in the repository settings in both dbt Cloud and GitLab do not match.

No worries - this is a current issue the dbt Labs team is working on and we have a few workarounds for you to try:

1st Workaround

  1. Disconnect repo from project in dbt Cloud.
  2. Go to Gitlab and click on Settings > Repository.
  3. Under Repository Settings, remove/revoke active dbt Cloud deploy tokens and deploy keys.
  4. Attempt to reconnect your repository via dbt Cloud.
  5. You would then need to check Gitlab to make sure that the new deploy key is added.
  6. Once confirmed that it's added, refresh dbt Cloud and try developing once again.

2nd Workaround

  1. Keep repo in project as is -- don't disconnect.
  2. Copy the deploy key generated in dbt Cloud.
  3. Go to Gitlab and click on Settings > Repository.
  4. Under Repository Settings, manually add to your Gitlab project deploy key repo (with Grant write permissions box checked).
  5. Go back to dbt Cloud, refresh your page and try developing again.

If you've tried the workarounds above and are still experiencing this behavior - reach out to the Support team at and we'll be happy to help!
